sábado, 26 de marzo de 2016

  • 16:10:00
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It was an heir of noble blood who as a boy was kidnapped by gypsies who defaced to never stop smiling to train for a mountebank (a kind of clown, acrobat and juggler) is back. To avoid being tried for these crimes, Gypsies abandon them in the cold mountain to die, but is received by Ursus, a hermit of the mountain. The story was brought to the big screen in 1928, the interpretation of this character by actor Conrad Veidt (between miserable and sinister) was the main visual basis for the aesthetics of the DC: The Joker, whose smile was his seal to commit murder; and The Comedian in Watchmen miniseries, a watchman who suffers a wound on his face that leaves a scar like a smile.